our pastor

pastor sally

Pastor Sally is the visionary, founder and Senior Pastor of Xceleration Church in Humble, TX. She is also a highly sought after national conference speaker. She shares her victories of overcoming life's challenges with wisdom, humor and a contagious passion for God. Her authentic and transparent style of ministry encourages others and literally lifts them to new levels of possibility in life.

She is proud and honored to be the spiritual daughter of Bishop IV and Pastor Bridget Hilliard.



The Bible

The Holy Bible is God's word. Written by men but every Word inspired by God. It is alive, active and able to speak directly to your spirit. When you read it... It reads you back. It is God's instruction to us for everything pertaining to successful life. It leads us into a relationship with Him and a life that glorifies Him. His Word is TRUTH. His Word is LIFE. He IS the Word.

2 Tim. 3:16; John 1:1-14; John 17:17; John 6:63; Eph. 5:26

The Trinity of God

Father. Son. Holy Spirit. God is three distinct persons, yet One. Each Part of Him has always existed and always will. God has distinct functions in the Trinity but all are equal. Matthew 3:16-17


He is our Father, loving, compassionate, faithful to us and His promises.


Jesus is the only begotten Son of God. He lived a sinless life in order to be the substitution for our sins. He was innocent. We are guilty. He took our guilty verdict and the sentence of death by dying on the cross. He gives us His innocence and puts us back in right standing with God, our Father. It's a free gift. He defeated death in His resurrection. He is the only Way to God.

Holy Spirit

He is the Seal and Guarantee that we belong to God now. He guides, comforts, teaches, convicts our hearts, reminds us of God's Word, glorifies Jesus and makes us more like Him day by day.


Every human person is uniquely created by God in His own image and likeness. The purpose of our existence is to be in fellowship with God. That fellowship was broken through sin and disobedience. Only through the finished work of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection, is that broken fellowship restored. God gives us the freedom to choose to be reconciled with Him and live our lives close to Him, which is His greatest desire for everyone.


Because sin and death entered the world through the disobedience of Adam and Eve, we are all born "sinners." We have a propensity to be rebellious and selfish. No one ever has to teach a little child to lie, just all of a sudden one day, they realize that deception is possible and they act on it. That is sin at work in us. Every human that is born sins against God. We try to justify ourselves in our own eyes by comparing ourselves with others and say, "I'm not as bad as someone else." However, God does not compare us with one another to judge sin in us, He judges us against His own righteousness and we all fall short of that mark. The penalty for sin is eternal death and separation from God. We all are deserving of the penalty and condemned to the judgment of eternal death. That's why the Gospel of Jesus Christ is called the "Good News!"

John 3:16, For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

Salvation is the free gift of God. We cannot earn it. We do not deserve it. We could never be good enough to receive it on our own. God is gracious and loves us so much that He offers it to us by choice as an act of faith. That act of faith is to simply confess Jesus as your Lord with your mouth (tell God and others) and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead.

The Good News of the Gospel is also this... Jesus died on a sinner's cross for the sins we committed 2,000 years ago. They hastily removed His body from the cross, laid Him in a tomb and rolled and enormous stone to close the entrance. Three days later, the women who followed His ministry went to prepare His body with linen and spices. Along the way they wondered how they would be able to move the stone themselves, but when they arrived, the stone was already moved away. An angel was there who said, "Why do you seek the living among the dead? Jesus is not here. He has risen!" The women ran back and told the disciples. Jesus revealed Himself to them on many occasions before His ascension to Our Father in heaven.

The bodily resurrection of Christ has defeated death and conquered it for us! One day we will be like Him and there will be no more death, sorrow, tears or sad good byes!

After we receive salvation through faith in Jesus, our next steps are to be baptized in water to make a public declaration of our new life in Christ. Joining yourself to the church is a lifelong decision to give your life back to God through the process of discipleship, serving alongside other believers.

The Church

The Church is made up of believers united through faith in Jesus Christ and committed to bring the knowledge of Him to others. In every generation since His departure, Jesus is faithful to give us ministry "gifts" of apostles, prophets. evangelists, pastors, and teachers to equip believers for the work of the ministry. We have all been given unique talents and gifts to give and share with the community of believers in our local church to make it more effective and powerful. Through the Holy Spirit the church is empowered with spiritual gifts to demonstrate the compassionate nature and miraculous power of God's love. We are His ambassadors and representatives in the earth, powerful and endowed with authority through His name.